1 small plant


Active Member
So I have 4 different photo strain plants that I germinated a while ago. They are in a 5x5 tent now 3 of them are ready for scrogging now but the other is not. Is there a way to encourage that 4th plant to grow vertically. Any kind of trimming techniques? They are all in autopots so I dont really want to raise it up. I have topped the shit out of the other 3 already.
Place something underneath it to elevate it and level it with the other 3.

You can probably use shade cloth on the other 3 to reduce the amount of light they are receiving to slow down growth, until the 4th one catches up after a topping.

Good luck!
So I went to the brick yard and bought 2 bricks one to raise my resevoir and one to raise the plant. Which the auto pot has worked just as normal which i wasn't confident about. I've moved the bottom left (small one) right to the edge. And planning to tuck the other plants into the small plants quarter if you like. And I'm expecting the top left one to take most of the left side of the tent. I've started tucking already. The short one is only has about 5 inches under the scrog. Northern scrogger. Scrogs them this short all the time. And ive often been interested in scrogging them the short but never tried. So ill take it as a positive learning opportunity. And just spread it out as much as I can. I'll get that scrog full if it kills me.

easy peasy look online for a plant stretcher…. :laugh:

whew tough crowd!!

since you’re already committed with 3 others and don’t want to move autopots only thing I can think of is to super crop to make them shorter. Can you lower the others and the scrognet?
Thanks. I considered doing that. But went for raising the smaller one. I dont know which would of been the better choice.
So I went to the brick yard and bought 2 bricks one to raise my resevoir and one to raise the plant. Which the auto pot has worked just as normal which i wasn't confident about. I've moved the bottom left (small one) right to the edge. And planning to tuck the other plants into the small plants quarter if you like. And I'm expecting the top left one to take most of the left side of the tent. I've started tucking already. The short one is only has about 5 inches under the scrog. Northern scrogger. Scrogs them this short all the time. And ive often been interested in scrogging them the short but never tried. So ill take it as a positive learning opportunity. And just spread it out as much as I can. I'll get that scrog full if it kills me.

Nice 👍🏽
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