zinc deficiency

  1. Zinc (Zn) Deficiency

    Zinc (Zn) Deficiency

    When white areas form at leaf tips or in between veins, the plant is Zinc deficient. This can be treated by adding organic fertilizer containing Zinc or by burying galvanized nails in the soil.
  2. W

    Can't Solve This! Deficiency?

    Hello community! it's my first post and really need help:) First attemp to coco(failed already^^) and autopots. I started with 200ppm calmag then rised to 350 tought maybe magnesium is the issue. Later i saw on the mineralmagic bottle that it contains mag too. Also my first 1000w so light...
  3. R

    Multiple issues - Believe Zinc deficiency and hot soil

    Strain - Not sure bag seeds but believe Indica dominant # of Plants - 6 Grow Type - Soil Grow Stage - Vegetative Bucket Size - 7.5 Gallon Lights - (3) 300w Led Nutrients - None using M3 soil Medium - M3 soil PPM - water is RO about 15 PH - 6.5 RH - 32% to 42% having a hard time getting humidity...
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