whobberry haze #1

  1. Whoberry Haze #1 reveg

    Whoberry Haze #1 reveg

    She wants to continue
  2. Whoberry Haze topped

    Whoberry Haze topped

    This one was topped, Week four
  3. Whoberry Haze #1

    Whoberry Haze #1

    Week four
  4. Even canopy

    Even canopy

    Debilitator Kush and Whoberry Haze at week three of flowering
  5. 20190417_195514.jpg


    Whoberry Haze # 1 leaf
  6. Happy zone

    Happy zone

    Good temp and humidity
  7. Whoberry Haze #1 leaf

    Whoberry Haze #1 leaf

    Large fan leaf at three weeks of flower
  8. Two Whoberry Haze #1

    Two Whoberry Haze #1

    Feeding day
  9. Whoberry Haze #1 week two from flip

    Whoberry Haze #1 week two from flip

    One week of flowering under the Mars Hydro TS 1000
  10. Day six from flip

    Day six from flip

    Debilitator Kush Whoberry Haze
  11. Whoberry Haze #1 harvested top

    Whoberry Haze #1 harvested top

    One of the better tops from Whoberry Haze #1.
  12. Bottoms up!

    Bottoms up!

    Harvested and hung to dry , Whoberry Haze #1 and Debilitator Kush. Whoberry are the light green ones.
  13. Veg Tent a roony roo

    Veg Tent a roony roo

    Left two Debilitator Kush, the other five are Whoberry Haze #1. The leaves are getting bigger, plants getting taller, under growth spreading nicely.
  14. After Liquid Ladybug

    After Liquid Ladybug

    I had to pull out each plant to properly treat. This shot is after treatment.
  15. Mothers


    Whoberry Haze #1&#2, Debilitator Kush, Gwillith
  16. Flower tent week five

    Flower tent week five

    6 Debilitator Kush and 1 Whoberry Haze #1 week three
  17. Veg Tent

    Veg Tent

    Just fed and treated these little ladys. 2 Debilitator Kush and 5 Whoberry Haze #1
  18. Whoberry Haze #1 before trim

    Whoberry Haze #1 before trim

    She is way too bushy.
  19. Whoberry Haze #1 bushy

    Whoberry Haze #1 bushy

    Sooooo much growth! Time to trim!
  20. Whoberry Haze #1

    Whoberry Haze #1

    Trimmed up and treated for spider mites
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