
  1. C

    Leaves turning colors please help!

    Hey guys, This is my first grow and it is the white light auto From new 420 guys. i’ve been feeding her plain low EC/ PH’d water because I had slight nutrient burn on her. She popped on the 11th and I have been doing 18/6 lighting. I’m growing in coco and plan to follow the dr. mj’s suggested...
  2. C

    Nute burn? How to fix it, first grow

    Hey guys, I think I have nutrient burn. I was watering with low ec/ph’d water at first, but then I made a mixture of nutrients based on instructions from dr coco. I currently water with low EC(45, Tap water) PH’d water since I noticed the burn yesterday. Should I flush it as well until the...
  3. C

    White Lighting Auto, First Grow, 2020

    White light flower New420guys Indica Indoor (grow tent) 3x3x6 Coco/perlite mix Started in a jiffy pellet, now in a Nursery bag, then transplanting to 1 gallon fabric pot, then a 5 gallon fabric pot will be the final container. Mars hydro TSW2000 18/6 lighting schedule Currently under a...
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    Spectrum king is a beast of a light. Love this white light
  5. Cbeazy95

    Quadline Animal Cookies Main Tent, Multiple Strain Grow In Secondary Tent: White Widow, Girl Scout Crack, Strawberry Gum, Alaskan Purple, Double Glock

    So i hope im following y'all's guidelines okay on journal. I have the 3 shark shock just flipped into flower 4 days ago. Been feeding ff big bloom, grow big 4 weeks. Watering 2 to 3 times a week feeding every other one. Water is ro'd and ph around 5.7. Humidity has been running 65 to 75 % temps...
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