vibe shift

  1. Vibe shift

    Vibe shift

    Transplant December 14/24
  2. Group shot

    Group shot

    Bit of training Night before transplant
  3. Vibe shift

    Vibe shift

    December 2/ 24
  4. Group Shot Nov 29

    Group Shot Nov 29

    Strawberry tiramisu Blueberry muffin Vibe shift Bubba whip
  5. Vibe shift

    Vibe shift

    Shedding the outer skin on the stem
  6. Vibe shift

    Vibe shift

    Dropped seed in water, November 1
  7. 004F6C81-32E9-4CB1-909E-291F7A09AEB1.jpeg


    @North Atlantic Seed Co
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