Hi, have to do a 9 Panel UA with nitrite testing at Quest. Trying to figure out if I am going to use the wife's urine (she is clean and not pregnant) or QF 6.3 or Sub Solution. Recommendations please!
How have you other stoners dealt with drug tests for work etc??
Here's my story:
As a heavy guy and a heavy toker I didn't have the time to wait for my system to cleanse and used U-pass Synthetic Urine to fake it. I crotched the fake piss bottle in my boxers and kept it warm with the little...
So I was laid off, but offered a new job almost immediately contingent on background check and drug test. I smoked like 7 or 8 times (no more than 4 or 5 hits each time) from november to January 21. Before that, i hadnt smoked in over a year. Im waiting on the background test before they...
Hey all, I haven't seen a recent review of the BC Field Kit so I wanted to post one. I just took the UA today, so I will be back with news once I find out whether I passed or not. Hold tight!