
  1. Ron Strider

    UK: Successful Trials Likely To Lead To Increase In Hemp Production

    Deputy Steve Luce is encouraging the Island's farmers to diversify into high-value and low-input crops rather than growing Jersey Royals in the same ground every year — a move he says is vital if the rural economy is to remain viable. Aside from this year's hemp trial, which took place in a...
  2. Ron Strider

    Malawi: Government To Scale Up Industrial Hemp Trials

    Following the successful industrial hemp trials at Chitedze Research Station in Lilongwe, Government has approved the trials conducted in other environments. The Station has so far tested 10 varieties acquired from Europe, China, and Australia to assess if they have low levels of the...
  3. B

    Tent Trials

    Hello my fellow herbalists. My friend unfortunately had a GOOB sale in which he gave me five plants. They were have root bound and half dead. Transplant, water and a shot of Superthrive and they came back around. Ok this will be my SECOND grow in a tent. The first was a series of disasters...
  4. Ron Strider

    Australia: Medlab Clinical To Begin Trials Of Cannabis Based Medicines

    Medlab Clinical has received approvals to begin human trials of two different cannabis based medicines – NanaBis and NanaBidial. NanaBis is packaged as a mouth spray and will be clinically tested in advanced stage cancer patients with intractable pain. The drug is expected to meet a global...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    NSW Won't Rush On Cannabis For The Ill

    NSW's health minister has rejected Labor's push to swiftly decriminalise cannabis for the chronically ill, arguing the move is not yet backed by clinical experts. The state opposition plans to introduce a bill to parliament this week which would allow medically-certified sufferers to carry...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    QLD: Kids Needed For Medicinal Cannabis Clinical Trials

    Queensland Health is searching for 30 children with severe treatment-resistant epilepsy to take part in a medicinal cannabis trial. It comes after the State Government last week passed laws allowing people with certain conditions to access the drug under the supervision of a medical...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    QLD: Kids Needed For Medicinal Cannabis Clinical Trials

    Queensland Health is searching for 30 children with severe treatment-resistant epilepsy to take part in a medicinal cannabis trial. It comes after the State Government last week passed laws allowing people with certain conditions to access the drug under the supervision of a medical...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Australia - Medlab To Fast-Track Medical Marijuana Human Trials

    Medlab is all set to give cannabis Australia human trials a boost as it has launched a $5.36 million equity raising. The cash will be mainly used for accelerating a medicinal cannabis human trial program at a leading Australian oncology research hospital. The marijuana-based pain management...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Australia - Medlab To Fast-Track Medical Marijuana Human Trials

    Medlab is all set to give cannabis Australia human trials a boost as it has launched a $5.36 million equity raising. The cash will be mainly used for accelerating a medicinal cannabis human trial program at a leading Australian oncology research hospital. The marijuana-based pain management...
  10. R

    Swiss Health Minister Open To Cannabis Distribution Trials

    Health Minister Alain Berset has welcomed the possibility of organised trials for the distribution of cannabis in Switzerland, within the parameters of the country's existing laws. In an interview with the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper, Berset said that his department welcomes trying out "new models...
  11. R

    Queensland Government Releases Bill To Legalise Medical Marijuana

    Australia's "most progressive" medicinal marijuana legislation, which would give more sick Queenslanders access to the presently illegal drug, has been released for public comment. If passed, the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016 would create a formal process for Queensland doctors...
  12. R

    Medical Marijuana Use In Clinical Trials Could Soon Be Legal In Australia

    While the drug is currently illegal in Australia, two states?? Are discussing whether to allow people to use it therapeutically. The bill which the Liberal Party introduced to the country's parliament will change the Narcotics Drugs Act 1967. It looks likely to become law, as the main...
  13. W

    Jury Nullification

    At the present time only one of the states, New Hampshire, in the United States allows the defense to inform a jury that they can make a decision based on whether a law or punishment is appropriate and not just on the fact that the elements of a law were violated. This could be an important...
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