
  1. D

    Help - Biobizz/Epsom salts feeding schedule?

    hey guys, i am planning to use the biobizz products (bio grow, bloom and fish mix) fo the first time. I intent to start feeding a week before flower (i will do that because my soil already has nutrients in it) starting with a 0.5ml of each and gradually go up to 1ml of each week 2, then week...
  2. HigherTheHigh

    12/12 from seed - Question about yield

    hello everyone im getting ready to start a 8 plant scrog in a 8x4 tent but i will have a 4x4 tent spare found a new strain royal cheese i want to start and wondering if i plant 20 seeds in 7L pots what would the yield bring from them? want to jar it then maby try another strain the same way...
  3. V

    Ready to harvest

    Hello I currently growing four strains one of which says its a 45-50 day flower time Im currently at day 47 I was going to take it to day 60 because that is when the rest of my plants should be finished. I just gave them week 7 nutes I was planning on giving them one more feeding with dry...
  4. Jackalope

    Plant Regeneration

    I have a TGA Jack the Ripper plant is the frostiest plant I have ever seen. I plan to regenerate her then use her for clones and then self her. I have never tried it before and want it to have the best chance of re-growth. My mentor in growing has given me some help full hints like keeping...
  5. C

    Watering question

    I'm growing autoflowers in soil. I found a sticky on here about when to water and even it contradicts itself in the very same post. What are common mistakes made by first time growers? It says at first to check the weight of the pot when dry, then water, then wait until it's at dry weight...
  6. T

    Cloning - Then timing of it all

    This is the first time I'll be creating my own clones for next year's grow. I've already got mothers and the strains I want but what I'm stumped on is figuring out when I should clone off of the mothers to have them ready for an outdoor grow by the end of May. I would like to have them good...
  7. L

    New grower seeking knowledge

    :420: hey people :D starting a ,dwc, single box two plant system ,autoflowering, two diff strains. ive been searching far and wide for information on the ,nutrition schedule, and weather or not my intended ,cleaning, method is appropriate for plant saftey and general simplicity. what i was...
  8. F

    20 ton vs 10 ton rosin press

    I already have my 3x5 plates on order. I am still pondering if I should go with the 20 ton baleigh press or the 10 ton Dake press. The size and weight of the dake would help because I live pretty far away from anyone and moving the press inside myself after delivery wouldn't be an issue...
  9. G

    First Grow Purple Kush Hydro Drip Fed 2017

    Original plan was to set up a quick sog grow with 10 plants and veg for a short time. Im moving in about a month so i came to the realization it would be way to hard to move that many plants a 40 minute drive away. My new intent is to just do 3 plants, then pull 7 clones then veg everything...
  10. G

    Emergency! I need help! Dying plants!

    Hello. I have hydro 4 bucket system. Last night i had to replace one of my buckets. So i drained all the water take plants in emyty another buckets and fix my system. While fixing i had some issues and roots stay out of water about 2 hours then i add some water in empty buckets while i feel my...
  11. A

    Can anybody tell me what is going wrong with seedling stems?

    My grow box did get down to 58° two night since then I've had lights on 24 to keep temps at 70-72°
  12. HigherTheHigh

    Blackstrap Molasses vs Canna Boost?

    whats peoples oppinions on molasses? and canna boost? has anyone every used malasses and got great yields from using it? reason i ask is i dont get paid from work till the 15th of next month and im 3 weeks from swith 12/12 on my ladies and they have small clusters of white hairs forming...
  13. U

    UseM's 1st Legal Recreational Grow

    UseM's 1st Legal REC Gr0 (cause we already have [acsess to] more MMJ than you could cure a Hippo with, LuV CO, don't U?) # of Plants: 3 Seed Source, from buds I SMOKED...from Los Sueno's Farms (The WORLDS Largest LEGAL Out-Door Recreational Marijuana Farm...36 ACRES of Kewl...all BudZ...
  14. S

    Just getting your opinion

    So I'm 5'4 and 200 pounds. I have smoked weed daily along with used Meth. I found out thursday that I would be taking a hair follicle on Friday. I bleached my hair and re-dyed and then used omni detox shampoo and then went to the lab. Do you think I will pass?
  15. TheFertilizer

    Curing process stops under 50% - Is there any science behind this?

    I keep reading this and it seems like it's just some kind of myth. Is this written by someone somewhere that's verified by fact? I mean what is it based off of? The reason I'm suspicious is because I just dried my crop until the stems were snappy, and then jarred them up. My hygrometer was...
  16. B

    Secondhand Bloombox - First Grow

    Hey All, I've finally decided to take the plunge and start growing. I was looking at a few different boxes as I wanted the unit to be self contained and easy since it was my first grow. First I looked at one brand that seemed nice, all inclusive, but a fairly hefty pricetag. The BC...
  17. ResinSaurusRex

    White Urkle & Super Kush

    Can anyone tell me the average grow height when running a single cola? I know I can FIM at the 5th node when starting from seed then then stake and LST to create more colas and create a more even canopy using a scrog and ultimately veg/flower as long as i want. In reality, whats an ideal...
  18. ResinSaurusRex

    New guy in SoCal

    Here's a little bit about myself. I haven't really been into the whole MJ scene since the mid 90's when I joined the military. Now I always enjoyed smoking but the random UA's always worried me about pissing hot. Later on I joined the Air National Guard but somehow ended up working in Law...
  19. golfer420

    Golfer420 makes some bubble hash

    This was my second time making the bubble hash. First time I used a mixer, mixing it right in the bags with the ice. I felt like it made the end result greener. This time I mixed it by hand and separately in another bucket for about 15 min and then poured it into the 220 bag. Mixed a little...
  20. U

    Placement of Screen of Green

    Hi fellow growers. I`m in my second growth and was hoping that some with knowledge superior to mine (which means a lot of you:) could help me with a little problem while I whatch the snow fall down outside and wait for Santa to come to me with with quality herb... I`m growing Raspberry...
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