seed advice

  1. M

    Auto AK48 in coco, can't get past first seedling stage: first grow

    HYDRO Sunlight from indoors/outdoors Medium: Coco coir and perlite Strain type: 55% Indica / 25% Sativa / 20% ruderalis I have been trying to germinate and grow SIX AK48 auto seeds for a couple of months now in the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. I promise I'm not bashing them around, but 3...
  2. SlyTown420

    Seedlings Peat Moss & FF Ocean Forest

    Is it wise to use peat moss as a medium during the "baby seedling" stages to provide the root system an easy way to make its way around the pot? From what I have read it should be mixed at a minimum of 50/50 with a good soil like Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Is it ever acceptable or smart to use just...
  3. F

    Seeds from Feminized Plants

    This past year I grew two Crown Royale plants in Southern Ontario (outdoors) and had nice yield and, in some of the buds, when drying and curing I found seeds. In total I harvested 12 seeds. I recently, using the paper towel method, experimented and germinated 3 of 4 of these seeds. These...
  4. T

    First Grow, Need Some Troubleshooting

    Hello all! I’m brand new to this site (first post) and just about as new to growing cannibis. I just started my first grow about 2 weeks ago and have been fine just researching and deciphering the best routes on my own, but not I’ve hit my first real problem: yellowing/burning. I’m currently...
  5. S

    Bomb proof seeds

    I have been looking for some bomb proof seeds that can be planted and cared for by an utter numb skull such as I. I have been informed by many people and was told over and over that their suggestions can be found everywhere and open the packet and they climb out plant themselves and in a skin...
  6. B

    Seed to harvest cycle 50 days - Strain advice

    I want to know if there are any strains that I can grow from seed to harvest in 50days. I have exactly 59 days before I go abroad for 4 weeks and don't have a sitter who can look after my plants in my absence. Auto flowering will be best suited for the grow but if am open to suggestions. Also, I...
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