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    Disabled Vet And MMJ Patient On Hunger Strike After The State Takes Children

    "They're basically using my kids as a pawn to take away freedoms I fought for." Disabled Navy veteran Raymond Schwab moved to Colorado last year to free himself from addictions that grew out of the pharmaceuticals prescribed by the VA to treat his service-related physical and psychological...
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    Veteran Loses Custody Of Children For Using Medical Marijuana

    Tens of thousands of Care2 petitioners have signed a petition asking Kansas officials to return a veteran's children who were taken away by Child Protective Service. This case is particularly heartbreaking, and reveals many flaws in our legal treatment of medical marijuana. The case concerns...
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    Kansas: PTSD-Afflicted Veteran Deprived Of His 5 Children Over Medical Marijuana Use

    The family of a Gulf War veteran suffering PTSD lost custody of their youngest kids after moving from Colorado, where treatment with medical marijuana is legal, to Kansas, where pot is illegal. They have seen their children three times since last April. Veteran Raymond Schwab and his wife...
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