reveg in bloom

  1. Cannacopulation


    A pair of butterflies mating in the leaves of my revegging cannabis plant.
  2. Birthdaycake kush

    Birthdaycake kush

    Week 7 flower
  3. Birthdaycake kush

    Birthdaycake kush

    Week7 of flower
  4. 2 Animal Cookie plants revegging

    2 Animal Cookie plants revegging

    On right in seccond week and on left 1st week, giving one away
  5. Animal Cookie plant in 2nd week reveg

    Animal Cookie plant in 2nd week reveg

    Keeping an Animal Cookie plant for a motherplant
  6. Mama TK spreads out

    Mama TK spreads out

    This afternoon I tied two more branches outwards to allow for growth. The new branches coming out look promising. Where is she taking me?
  7. Mama TK Aggressively Claims Life

    Mama TK Aggressively Claims Life

    Reveg detail post trim
  8. Mama TK after a slight trim

    Mama TK after a slight trim

    She revegged and is making lots of pistils post seeding. I removed the unhealthy fan leaves and took some cuts.
  9. Carmen Ray

    The Accidental Revegging of Mama TK: October 2019, Lions Head Outdoor Grow

    Greetings all you inspiring growers. I first joined this great site earlier this year when I encountered a severe fungus gnat infestation and I came looking for answers. I have changed my grow space from my indoor window ledge, to outdoor placement in coco pots, and some of the plants were...
  10. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  11. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  12. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  13. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  14. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  15. Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    Accidental Reveg - characteristics

    A winter sprout in early spring after pollination and seed development is revegging due to fluctuating environmental conditions outdoors, and lengthening days
  16. Accidental Reveg

    Accidental Reveg

    Planted off season in winter, she moved from window ledge to an outdoor placement. The days are getting longer but she is in seed. What will happen with the seed?
  17. elunex

    Accidental Reveg: Harvest Or Wait?

    Today's been a rough day... I went into my tent to see that 2 of my 3 plants (Master Kush & Double Cheese) were showing signs of reveg, the Master Kush (pictured below) is by far the worst of the the three. I must have knocked the timer switch while installing a dehumidifier a week and a half...
  18. Momma's Kitchen

    W9 Blueberry Bloom Revegging - Help Please!

    My five large blueberry plants are week nine in bloom. I thought they were fox tailing when actually the new growth is re-veg. What do I do??? I’m so stressed there isn’t any reason I can think of.... should I take it down????
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