
  1. Ron Strider

    Study Unexpectedly Show Ingredient In Cannabis Could Be Useful For Treating Psychosis

    Psychiatric patients treated with a substance found in cannabis, cannabidiol, showed a significant reduction in psychotic symptoms and were also more likely to be rated as "improved" by their psychiatrist, our latest study shows. Psychotic disorders affect two to three per cent of the...
  2. R

    Cannabis Use Linked To Better Social Skills In Psychosis

    Psychosis patients who have used cannabis have greater premorbid social skills than patients with psychosis who have never used the drug, data from five European countries suggest. Laura Ferraro, a PhD student in psychiatry at the University of Palermo, in Italy, and colleagues found that...
  3. R

    Cannabis Use Linked To Better Social Skills In Psychosis

    Psychosis patients who have used cannabis have greater premorbid social skills than patients with psychosis who have never used the drug, data from five European countries suggest. Laura Ferraro, a PhD student in psychiatry at the University of Palermo, in Italy, and colleagues found that...
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