
  1. Jack420

    First hydro grow - Not too bad I think

    My 1st grow i have sour d straberry cough gorilla glue n reg bag seed witch it my tallest but had pest prob
  2. C


    Hi there everyone im new to going on a web site so please have patients. I think I'm in the right place to start I have been growing for a while now I feel I have to many prob. I think it should get easier. But I'm NOT giving up. Thanks for listening to me.
  3. A

    Please help the diagnosis! its big bang auto

    hi guys, fellows, grow-mates, every one... i have a prob with my grow.. older leaves got yellow and full of dead spots.. new leaves are fine... just not so fine.. i got really worried about it... so i searched it and i can't make a diagnosis... it may be this or that and i am confused... so...
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