paper towel method

  1. RVDVGerminate.jpg


    RVDV Seed Germinating. Table Mountain Sativa
  2. WildLadySeedGerminate.jpg


    Wild Lady Seed Germinating. Table Mountain Sativa
  3. Germination: Day 2

    Germination: Day 2

    All cracked open! 6 of 6
  4. Germination: Day 1

    Germination: Day 1

    Put into ziplock
  5. Germination: Day 1

    Germination: Day 1

    Soaked in water for 24 hrs, onto paper towel til I see tap roots.
  6. Germinated Seeds

    Germinated Seeds

    Put into paper towel for 24-48hrs, we have taproots.
  7. Paper towel & seedling mat

    Paper towel & seedling mat

    Had to prop it open or it gets too wet. Bad idea?
  8. bowanawana

    Bowanawana's Indoor soil With Blueberry & Afghan 2019

    High Ya All from Northern Michigan where it is Cold. When I say Cold I mean Cold. I have found through the years that March 15th is a great time to get plants going. I know we are talking about Cannabis but Tomatoes and Peppers are great to start indoors right now as well. Our outdoor season is...
  9. Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day3 Night .JPG

    Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day3 Night .JPG

    4 Blue treacle auto seeds in paper towel germination method day 3 night
  10. Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day3 Morning .JPG

    Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day3 Morning .JPG

    4 Blue treacle auto seeds in paper towel germination method day 3 Morning
  11. Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day2 .JPG

    Blue Treacle Auto Seeds Day2 .JPG

    4 Blue treacle auto seeds in paper towel germination method day 2
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