
  1. Flump

    Reducing mental health meds with cannabis

    Hi folks, I'm looking for information, experience and support regarding reducing mental health meds (for depression, anxiety and mood) with cannabis. This seems to be a controversial topic and I'm very interested to know more... Thanks!
  2. CharlieG

    Help! One plant dead second on the way out

    A couple days ago I found one of my plants pretty much laying on its side and it looked as though the stalk had been nibbled. I took the plant out of the room because it already looked beyond the point of return. I got a couple mouse traps set them up thinking that would resolve the issue but...
  3. G

    Greetings from grant724

    Just wanted to introduce myself as suggested. I started using medical cannabis since I was a teenager, replacing 8 years of forced Ritalin and tobacco use, and honestly, I went from a very troubled special ed kid to an even-keeled successful adult when I started smoking cannabis. Marriage...
  4. G

    Need help - First timer mistake

    I wrongly fed her 1 time, a week ago (overfed I think, I fed her a full ration and I usually dont get over 1/2 dose since its an auto) and now she look pissed...nutes are GoBox from General Organic, week 8 feed. Soil is 70% promix hp/20% Worm casting/10% perlite. yellow plant, 8 weeks old...
  5. J

    Panic Disorder?

    I always thought I had anxiety disorder but recently my doctor switched the term to panic disorder. I started the process to get medical marijuana but wondering if this will change anything? I am in Canada btw
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