outdoor 2021

  1. Bruce Banner Late Sept/Early Oct 2021

    Bruce Banner Late Sept/Early Oct 2021

    Snoochee B's Outdoor Grow 2021 of Bruce Banner, in ground.
  2. CanadianBacon92

    Swollen Calyx Or Pollinated?

    early flowering , i am noticing my calyxs on my Bc Bud Depot blueberry are swollen with orange hairs. I have been feeding them Honey Chome so i don’t know, what do you think? are those seeds growing or just cause the nutes? most of my top ones are tiny with mix of white and orange hairs, its a...
  3. NannyBoo

    NannyBoo's Feminized Northern Lights, Indica, Outdoor Grow, 2021

    This is my first grow journal. But not my first grow ... I grew outdoors for many yrs then switched to indoors for a couple of yrs. Due to some medical issues I have not grown anything in 2-3 yrs and it is like starting all over again. Thank you for the platform to keep a journal (very cool)...
  4. EastwardNEden

    Landrace Hybrid 1st Generation Grow

    Land race strain from Haiti Cross with unknown Kush strain. Day 70 from seed (day 4 outdoors)
  5. Landrace from Haiti cross with unknown Kush strain

    Landrace from Haiti cross with unknown Kush strain

    Day 70 from seed (day 4 outdoors
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