
  1. L

    My First Ever Growing

    I’m growing outdoors in a 5 gallon bucket, all natural soil. Base layer of rocks, then 2inch of soil, followed by a whole catfish, then rest soil. Started it in June it’s going on its second week of flowering. I was feeding her honey, fresh watermelon juice, and fresh coconut water durning veg...
  2. ZSchulte

    Just checking in from rural MN

    Born into the growing life and started growing my own when I was 17. I spent the next 17 years with a couple of sporadic breaks playing around with many different techniques and methods of cultivating. I own a small farm in southwestern Minnesota. I like bouncing around ideas with other...
  3. 440Organics

    New member in the great lakes area 15+year grower, user, and advocate

    Ive been growing cannabis both indoors and outdoors for most of my life it was taught to me at a young age by multiple family members. I was raised in a home where weed was as common as tap water would have been for normal kids in the early 90's lol. Always looking to learn and have some tricks...
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