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    NextLight 150h
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    NextLight 150h
  3. Kanda

    Kanda’s 2021 Canuck Seeds Indoor Run

    Hey all. I’m a little slow on the start of this one but figured better late than never. This is my second indoor grow with the NextLight mega, and as usual the plants are loving it. This is my first time using air pruning pots.. I used 10 gallon. apparently keep roots cooler than the fabric...
  4. Bean Genie

    Justin Goody's Sponsored Journal: Featuring NextLight & Dope Seeds Gelato & Zkittlez

    Welcome Friends & Fellow Growers to my 2021 sponsored grow, Featuring The @NextLight Core, with Genetics by & Blackskull. This is my first opportunity to do a sponsored grow as a staff member here, and I want to cover everything I can from unboxing until harvest. Please join me...
  5. Mr. Krip

    420 Magazine Sponsored Grow Extravaganza Featuring NextLight Mega, GeoFlora Nutes & More!

    WELCOME TO MR. KRIP'S SPONSORED GROW EXTRAVAGANZA SHOWCASING AWESOME PRODUCTS FROM SOME OF 420 MAGAZINE'S TOP SPONSORS Welcome all to the latest, possibly the biggest, and hopefully soon-to-be the best 420 Magazine Sponsored Grow Journal of all time! :woohoo: In this grow, we're going to be...
  6. bluter

    Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

    how many lost internet folk you think are gonna click on this looking for hipsters or hamsters ? this will be the second 420 journal. hoping to make it the ongoing home. will be growing hempy style. straight perlite media in either 2L or 5L buckets. passive hydro style similar to coco...
  7. Neiko

    Neiko's High Brix Garden Powered By NextLight

    Welcome to my 4th journal. I'm honored and excited to be able to showcase these powerful lights from Nextlight. I am currently flowering in 2, 4x4 tents with each tent containing a Nextlight Mega. For environmental control I run a mini split, stand alone dehumidifier and humidifier. My temps...
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