
  1. G

    First time grower need some help

    Whats going on everyone J here first time grower and new to the forum . Im having a slight issue with my girls that i would love to get some feedback on . Im not sure if the slight drooping may be due to under or over watering , I had not watered in 4/5 days since yesterday which is why i...
  2. red cola

    red cola

    Jack Herrer
  3. Durban Poison

    Durban Poison

    Day 29of a 56 day target
  4. Jack & Cola

    Jack & Cola

    How much thicker can these get?
  5. Jack Herrer -

    Jack Herrer -

    Day 41 of target 56 day flowering
  6. Jack & Cola

    Jack & Cola

    Buds are starting to fill out!
  7. Jack & Cola

    Jack & Cola

  8. Jack Herrar Cola's changing color early on top.

    Jack Herrar Cola's changing color early on top.

    Sativa dominant Jack Herrar starting to turn red/brown, the terpene smell and frosty nature I can't capture but I smell just from walking in the room.
  9. Tangie65

    New here and new to growing

    Hello all! I am on my second grow right now with 1 in the dark waiting for harvest. Been reading through threads to increase knowledge. Just like the vibe here so I joined!
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