male plants

  1. WalterGamer8

    Weird spikes on top of plant: Male autoflower plant?

    I was looking at my plants today and noticed something very strange on one of them. I was a bit shocked, I never seen anything like this on my plants before. I look it up and it looks like a flowering male plant. I’m confused because I’m certain the seeds I ordered were femenized. The pictures...
  2. 33A60E53-4600-4AB2-8A97-EA54D88E0D05.jpeg


    Here he is! Black Dreams! Love his phenotype
  3. 20180509_163205.jpg


    First male ...
  4. Onceinawhile

    Hey guys need urgent help with 3 plants

    Hey guys I got a big problem but first thing is I am a 1st time grower and I need help to make a decision. I have 3 plants and they are about 4 months old and I just discovered that 2 are males and 1 is female. I don't know what to do with the male plants. Should I trow them away, I heard that...
  5. C

    I killed this - male?

    i was told this was a male so i killed it....was i right?
  6. H

    What do I do with male plants?

    Are they worthless? Can I get high smokin them? I know i need to separate them from the females but other than that, what can i do with them? will they bud-up?
  7. damnyourhot

    I need help identifying a male

    its small looks like its growing pods my other doesnt have these looking traits at all i think its male since i have no where else to flower it i will most likly cut it down i think my other plant is female white widow i am so lucky for being my 1st time ever that i get a female and...
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