
  1. CD14B7FC-51F2-4C2F-B028-8E8FAA9349D5.jpeg


    Tangerine Dream auto 1/22/2022 Day 19
  2. M

    Does this look like a sign of gender?

    Hey, just wondering if this is a sign of a gender, I'm currently topping the plant into 8 main stems :cheertwo: Hope it's a lady :thumb:
  3. I

    First time grower seeking knowledge on growing Super Silver Haze indoors

    I am seeking as much knowledge, tips & tricks for Growing Super Silver Haze indoor. I have 6 seedlings on day 8 that are about 3.5" tall going on their 3rd nodes. I am planing to mainline/manifold to combat the height issue and also get a higher yield. Does anyone have info on the best...
  4. S

    Spiffziggy's Third Grow, Modified Mainlining G13 Haze 600W HPS Grow Journal, 2017

    Hi everyone! Very new here, been lurking for months but thought I would pop out and finally properly say hello! This is my first ever grow journal, very happy for your input. I usually see imperial units but I work in metric so I've done my best to indicate both. My first grow was a single...
  5. skynet2112

    Skynet2112 - 2nd Grow - 2016

    Hey peps this is my 2nd grow. First one went ok...this one WILL be Better!!! Germinated 3 strains Devil's Fruit, Lemmon Kush and Vanilla Cake. Growing in a 3X5' tent in Rockstone G4 soil started in a solo cup and will end up in a 5 gallon smartpot. Using 2 Lighthouse 240W LED lights. I will be...
  6. R

    Mainlining - Manifolding

    Hi all I'm looking to try some new training techniques and I've come across Main-lining / Manifolding. I'm familiar with topping but this seems to be a whole different idea. Has anyone used this method before and does anyone have any success stories? (that sounded very middle management...
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