liquid fertilizer

  1. kaboom-1.jpg


    Dr. JimZ Bloom KaBoom
  2. Slipdog01

    Fertilizer Liquids

    Got a Question here on Liquid Fertilizer's. Planting in Dirt and Bags. Mater of fact "pro-mix" with Peralite. Looking at our Sponsor links I find Dr Jimz Has anyone tried the liquid "Chicken Soup" and if so what is a recommendation?
  3. BikerBear

    Miracle Gro Liquid Fertilizer? Any good?

    Hi Folks, I have read differing opinions/comments about using Miracle Gro soil, but can't seem to find any info here about the liquid fertilizer (maybe not searching the correct forum sections). It seems that the N-P-K ratios listed on the side of the MG are of the correct amounts...
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