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  2. Katelyn Baker

    Beer Sales Don't Take A Hit From Marijuana Legalisation, Study Finds

    The legalisation of marijuana in several US states has not curbed beer sales, according to new research, as Americans managed to find room in their social schedules for both. Analysts at investment firm Bernstein said fears that the brewing industry would be sent into chronic decline by...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    UK: Britons Want Cannabis Legalised For Medical Purposes

    Britons strongly support the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes, a snap Sky Data poll suggests. The survey found 72% back legalisation for medical use, with just 15% opposed. The remainder did not know or did not express a preference. But nearly half of the 1,001 people surveyed...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Canada: Trudeau Talks Tough On Cannabis Legalisation

    Justin Trudeau has boldly re-iterated that, when it comes to legalising cannabis, safety is a top priority for Canada. In an interview with CTV news earlier this week, the Canadian PM discussed the importance of legalising cannabis as a protective measure for public health: The reason why...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    The Changing Perceptions Of Marijuana In The USA

    Since the last federal election in 2012, the USA has seen a significant change in voter attitude towards the topic of both recreational and medical marijuana. Along with the nation's capital, four states have voted to legalise the sale and use of marijuana for not only medical but also...
  6. R

    Thousands March In Support Of Marihuana Legalisation In Prague

    More than 5000 people took part in the 19th Million Marihuana March in support of the legalisation of marihuana in Prague on Saturday, according to the estimates of the organisers, and various events will be held on Letna Plain until this evening. The participants demand the legalisation of the...
  7. R

    47% Of British Public Support The Legalisation Of Cannabis

    A new survey released on Saturday has shown that 47% of the UK public now support the legalisation of cannabis sold through licensed retailers. Of the remainder, 39% said that they remain opposed to the legalisation while the remaining 14% replied "don't know". The findings come from a survey...
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    420 Magazine: Activist Central

    :welcome: To all my fellow Cannabis activist's here at 420 Magazine, as promised I am starting this thread with the intention of having a central base of operation for us to all come together and collectively get involved in this worthy cause to end federal as well as state's prohibition of our...
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