jr peters

  1. 20180411_140654.jpg


  2. toker69

    Making Feminized Seeds Of My Own Auto Strain - Lucky 13 - Using Colloidal Silver

    Hi everyone! :ciao: I'm starting my second grow journal to record the making of feminized seeds outta my own strain "Lucky 13" I made the name up myself, because I number all the Rose Buckets I grow in, and one is numbered 13. I'll be starting 24 regular seeds this time of my own cross of two...
  3. toker69

    My Continuous Auto Closet Grow - Pink Salad!

    Hi everyone! :ciao: I want to start my own grow journal here to share ideas, and my grow photos. My goal is to grow just enough fresh herb for my own medicine. About an oz a week! I choose an autoflower strain called "Pink Salad" because it was a regular (not feminized) strain with a low...
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