
  1. Ron Strider

    How America Ruined Japan's Ancient Tradition Of Growing And Smoking Weed

    If you blaze in Japan and get caught, you could face up to 7 years in prison off a rip from some shitty weed. But Japan wasn't always so incredibly anti-weed, man. In fact, Japan used to be a nation that wore weed proudly on their shoulders – literally. Historically, hemp was the most...
  2. I

    Gaijin Ganja - Ever Heard of It?

    I found a strain of marijuana offered through BC Seeds that was developed in the mountains of Japan that is a pure Indica (100%)...They claim the THC level is 34%!! There is a great description of the buzz you get on their website. I am wondering if anyone has ever tried it, and more...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Japan's Draconian Marijuana Laws Against Ongoing Trends

    Tokyo — On Oct 25, former actress Maya Takagi was arrested on a charge of possession of marijuana. The self-described “naturalist” took up residence on Ishigaki island five years ago. Also arrested was Takagi’s male companion, Shigenari Moriyama, who had been actively promoting the use of the...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Japan's War Against Medical Marijuana

    Former actress Saya Takagi was arrested in Okinawa on Oct. 25 for possession of marijuana, three months after she unsuccessfully ran for a seat in the Upper House election on a platform to legalize pot for medical purposes. She insists the contraband was not hers. Though Takagi, whose real...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Japan's War Against Medical Marijuana

    Former actress Saya Takagi was arrested in Okinawa on Oct. 25 for possession of marijuana, three months after she unsuccessfully ran for a seat in the Upper House election on a platform to legalize pot for medical purposes. She insists the contraband was not hers. Though Takagi, whose real...
  6. R

    Japan's First Lady Touts Revival Of Hemp Culture

    There seem to be few dull moments in the life of first lady Akie Abe, who sometimes spends her time hosting a web-based talk show, harvesting honey from a bee farm and even paying occasional visits to the contentious Yasukuni Shrine. Most recently, Ms. Abe raised eyebrows after telling a...
  7. H

    Howdy, I'm Herbaliscious John

    I've been a lurker at 420Mag for a while and thought I would jump in and introduce myself. Presently, I own a company called Herbaliscious.com and we're just getting started in the world of 420. I hope to be able to actively contribute to 420Magazine but the only thing I can do right now is...
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