how am i doing

  1. Dabeast09

    First Time Growing: In Need Of Advice! Day 25 Since Popped

    Hello! Happy to be here, I have read here obsessively learning as much as I can from the vast experience of growers. I use a 60x60x160 tent (excuse my metric) with an inline fan and a quantom board Led 150W. I grow in soil. The plants in are in 3gl pots. I feed bio nova nuts by default...
  2. C

    Looking for insight on my first indoor plant

    hey guys I just started my first indoor grow with one plant and I'm wondering if my plant looks healthy for 3 and a half weeks. 300w led full spectrum grow lights and promix soil. No nutes yet. I had an issue where my plant basically got blown over horizontally by the fan I had in my closet...
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