
  1. forgot i had some left

    forgot i had some left

    dutchseedshop and i, differ, on the definition of femenized. i suspect there's has something to do with bruce Jenner vs a silver nitrate equivalent...
  2. aakochev


    I have looked and done all the possible research I can about females turning hermi but all I have read and watched is the same half dozen causes (all of which I am doing right). Been growing for a few years now with 5-6 grows and maybe a dozen plants. So my issue is 9 of the 12 plants I have...
  3. philthegeek

    Using seed from Hermaphrodites

    Hi all. Started with 10 plants. 5 turned out male, 5 female. Further into the grow, 4 of the 5 females developed male flowers. Now have 5 plants with lots of swelling calyx's and will get quite a few seeds. Couple of questions would appreciate feedback on. Have read that seeds from...
  4. M


    Are these plants hermaphrodites? I think I noticed some very smalls white seeds in a few popcorn nugs that I cut off. Any help would be very much appreciated. (This is my first grow) Indoor Grow Water in morning and night Grown in Bush Doctor Coco Loco Week 7 (3 weeks in flower)
  5. T

    Studying Genetic Hermaphrodites

    Hello, Let me preface this by saying that I am not trying to sell anything here. I have a genetic test that I use in the field that spots the Y chromosome on cannabis plants. However, my research leads me to believe that in some cases, hermies act the way they do because, like true male plants...
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