
  1. Ron Strider

    NH: Let's End The Failed War On Weed

    Back in the last century, when I was a boy growing up in Hampton, a number of things that were considered “social evils” were prohibited by state law and local ordinance. Gambling and “intoxicating spirits” were two of the vices declared illegal, and yet despite the prohibition they were...
  2. Ron Strider

    New Hampshire Committee Takes First Steps Towards Marijuana Legalization

    A bill that would legalize recreational marijuana in the state of New Hampshire has cleared the first bar towards becoming a reality. The New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee passed a recommendation that the full legislature should allow a pending bill that would...
  3. Ron Strider

    You Will No Longer Go To Jail For Marijuana In New Hampshire

    Sometime this summer, New Hampshire will almost certainly become the 22nd state in the nation to decriminalize marijuana. The New Hampshire House of Representatives on Thursday voted to eliminate the criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of cannabis. The bill now is headed to the desk...
  4. Ron Strider

    NH: Marijuana Decriminalization On Its Way To Gov. Sununu's Desk

    After years of failed legislative attempts, New Hampshire is now poised to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana. A bill reducing the penalties for possession is on its way to Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, who has indicated he plans to sign it. The measure would take effect within 60 days...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    New Hampshire House Approves Bill To Decriminalize Marijuana By Overwhelming Margin

    Concord, N.H. — On Wednesday, the New Hampshire House passed a bill that would decriminalize marijuana possession in the state. Passage into law would take a step toward further nullifying federal cannabis prohibition in practice in the state. Along with 11 bipartisan co-sponsors, Rep. Robert...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    NH: Granite State Neighbors Push Pot Legalization Dialogue

    With recreational marijuana use now legal in Massachusetts – and about to become so in Maine – some New Hampshire lawmakers are preparing for what they see as its inevitable acceptance here in the Granite State. In the upcoming session, lawmakers will take up separate measures to decriminalize...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana In New Hampshire - State Legalizing Recreational Drug Use In 2017?

    Recreational cannabis may become legal for adults in New Hampshire if Senate Minority Leader Jeff Woodburn has it his way. The Democratic legislator has planned to introduce a new marijuana measure that would legalize recreational use of the plant for adults, similar to the state's approach to...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Will New Hampshire Follow In Marijuana Legalization?

    New Hampshire lawmakers say legalization of marijuana in Maine and Massachusetts should increase the chance of passing similar laws in the Granite State, while police officials say they'll continue to arrest people found in possession of pot until the law changes. "The bottom line is we have...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    End To Pot Prohibition In Neighboring States Has Some In NH Concerned, Others Hopeful

    Voters in Maine and Massachusetts this week legalized recreational use of marijuana, and concerns are already being raised by law enforcement along the New Hampshire border, as well as legislators and parents. Nashua Police Chief Andrew Lavoie is urging out-of-state visitors to leave their...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    NH: Marijuana Group Endorses Marchand, Edelblut

    A group that wants to end marijuana prohibition, and to have pot be regulated like alcohol, has endorsed conservative Republican Frank Edelblut and liberal Democrat Steve Marchand for governor. It is the first formal major endorsements in New Hampshire from the Marijuana Policy Project, an...
  11. R

    New Hampshire Woman Who Fought For Medical Marijuana ID Card Dies

    An Alstead woman who successfully fought to get a medical marijuana ID card in New Hampshire before state dispensaries opened has died. Linda Horan, 64, sought medical marijuana to help relieve the pain and nausea that she experienced from stage 4 lung cancer. Horan sued New Hampshire to...
  12. R

    New Hampshire Seeks To Add PTSD To List Of Medical Marijuana Ills

    A bill introduced Thursday in the New Hampshire state assembly seeks to add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of ailments eligible for medical marijuana treatment, which was legalized in 2013 but remains hard to obtain in the Granite state. The proposed legislation comes as New...
  13. R

    New Hampshire Begins Issuing Medical Marijuana Cards

    New Hampshire patients who qualify for medical marijuana can now receive the identification cards needed to legally purchase and possess cannabis, though dispensaries won't begin operating until spring. The decision to begin issuing cards on Monday comes after a woman with terminal cancer...
  14. R

    New Hampshire Begins Issuing Medical Marijuana Cards

    New Hampshire patients who qualify for medical marijuana can now receive the identification cards needed to legally purchase and possess cannabis, though dispensaries won't begin operating until spring. The decision to begin issuing cards on Monday comes after a woman with terminal cancer...
  15. Jacob Redmond

    Terminally Ill New Hampshire Woman To Pick Up Medical Marijuana In Maine

    A terminally ill woman from New Hampshire who took her state to court to get medical marijuana is coming to Maine to pick up her medicine. A 2013 New Hampshire law allows patients with certain conditions to use medical marijuana, but no dispensaries are open yet. The co-founder of the...
  16. Jacob Redmond

    Terminally Ill New Hampshire Woman To Pick Up Medical Marijuana In Maine

    A terminally ill woman from New Hampshire who took her state to court to get medical marijuana is coming to Maine to pick up her medicine. A 2013 New Hampshire law allows patients with certain conditions to use medical marijuana, but no dispensaries are open yet. The co-founder of the...
  17. Jacob Redmond

    New Hampshire: Judge Pondering Cancer Patient's Plea For Marijuana Card

    Linda Horan, diagnosed in July with late-stage lung cancer, says she may be dead before New Hampshire opens its first medical marijuana dispensaries early next year. She wants a judge to order the state to grant her a medical marijuana identification card now so she can buy marijuana legally...
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