
  1. Ron Strider

    Ohio Push For Recreational Marijuana Follows Medical Pot Measure's Failure

    Ohioans could vote to legalize recreational marijuana and industrial hemp production as soon as next year through a measure backed by companies that didn't get one of the state's medical marijuana grow licenses. Jimmy Gould and Ian James, co-founders of Ohio's 2015 failed recreational marijuana...
  2. Ron Strider

    OH: Group To Announce 'Free Market' Recreational Marijuana Ballot Measure

    Recreational marijuana will get another big push starting today. One of the men behind the failed ballot issue from two years ago has come up with a new campaign. Jimmy Gould, co-founder of Responsible Ohio, at a morning press conference will announce a new ballot issue to change Ohio's...
  3. Ron Strider

    Anyone Over 21 Could Grow Weed At Home Under Proposed Ohio Ballot Initiative

    A group of local investors who failed in their bid to secure a state license to grow medical marijuana on Monday announced plans for a statewide ballot issue to fully legalize marijuana. Jimmy Gould, chairman of Cincinnati-based Green Light Acquisitions, proposed an Ohio constitutional...
  4. Ron Strider

    Marijuana Legalization Plan Might Be Coming To 2018 Ohio Ballot

    Another issue to legalize marijuana might be heading to the Ohio ballot next year. The effort will be announced Monday. Jimmy Gould plans a new issue called the Ohio Constitutional Amendment for Free Market Adult Consumption of Marijuana. Gould was the key financial backer of the marijuana...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana In Ohio - How We Got Here

    Cincinnati — To hear Cincinnati's James Gould tell the story, medical marijuana is legal in Ohio today because he never gave up, and he had the influence and money to help make it happen. Gould is the Downtown-based venture capitalist and deep pockets behind ResponsibleOhio - the 2015...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Medical Marijuana In Ohio - How We Got Here

    Cincinnati — To hear Cincinnati's James Gould tell the story, medical marijuana is legal in Ohio today because he never gave up, and he had the influence and money to help make it happen. Gould is the Downtown-based venture capitalist and deep pockets behind ResponsibleOhio - the 2015...
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