flowering nutrients

  1. Sirius Black-CMAG Deficiency

    Sirius Black-CMAG Deficiency

    Falkor, an 89 day old @Weed Seeds Express Sirius Black with slight CMAG def since around week 2 of Flower
  2. MaryJWanna

    Leaves in middle going yellow, tops now light green....

    Hey, First timer need some help :) I'm in my second week flowering. The problem started with yellowing leaves in the middle of the plant. As I have vegged for 3 months plus i figured some was normal but now much more turning yellow as well as the tops are turning bright green. I added more...
  3. ItsTimmyMan

    Bloom booster timing? Wrong booster?

    Hey everyone, I hate to be the one to ask the repetitive question, but I've been searching and SEARCHING with no answer for days. I've gone out to buy a high phosphorus and potassium mix for flowering, and come back with this: N-P-K 15-6-25 Is this the right stuff for the stage I'm at? It was...
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