flip day 5

  1. FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    DAYS 45/46/47: FLIP DAY 5 Light intensity increase to 85% on the @Mars Hydro FC4800 Photoperiods: Amnesia, NYC Diesel, Durban Poison and G-13
  2. FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    DAYS 45/46/47: FLIP DAY 5 Light intensity increase to 85% on the @Mars Hydro FC4800 Photoperiods: Amnesia, NYC Diesel, Durban Poison and G-13
  3. FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    DAYS 45/46/47: FLIP DAY 5 Light intensity increase to 85% on the @Mars Hydro FC4800 Photoperiods: Amnesia, NYC Diesel, Durban Poison and G-13
  4. FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    FC4800 Summer Grow 2023-Grow Journal

    DAYS 45/46/47: FLIP DAY 5 Light intensity increase to 85% on the @Mars Hydro FC4800 Photoperiods: Amnesia, NYC Diesel, Durban Poison and G-13
  5. 79B47DF7-C995-4CA4-92E3-E40C5A03E205.jpeg


    Last one lights went out in the middle of me trying to feed and neem oil spray as one plant had about 5-8 aphids so I won’t Playing neem those frackers
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