equilibrium genetics

  1. BakedARea

    BakedARea 2020: CBD Glue Tide & CBD High Tide

    This will be my first time growing from seeds! I opted for some high CBD genetics. I'm hoping to get at least 1 male from each strain. It would be cool to get some pollen and do some controlled pollination to produce more seeds for the future. I know I probably should have planted more seeds to...
  2. BAM!


    premature doesn't work for us, like we hoped. will add some atf and get back to u. currently, allergy, 24:1.
  3. see... told ya: not ready.

    see... told ya: not ready.

    white pistals... but yeah, it's foggy. this strain, didn't work for me @ 24:1 cbd. the c2's... hooked up with atf so- we'll see. its sis is... "more ready".
  4. scissor trigger happy

    scissor trigger happy

    she's been flushing, for... 10 days... jesus, help me... i want to go a full 21!
  5. northbound train straight to flwr

    northbound train straight to flwr

    i believe these popped, 9/22.
  6. northbound train.

    northbound train.

    taken to the big top on 10-22, straight to flower. I'm showing my wrist, for scale. I've manipulated the heck out of her, takin from the top, light blockers (at least half, the noob fans) & fim'd/topped/cloned, so i have definitely delayed vertical growth and maturity. showed sex, 2wks ago.
  7. found 3 boys, tryin to get nasty, in the teepee!

    found 3 boys, tryin to get nasty, in the teepee!

    more males... reg seeds, we knew this was comin, right? i wish mother nature, was a poker fan...
  8. it's for the "chillin"

    it's for the "chillin"

    i think that's all northbound train
  9. pound for pound, she may b my biggest top, to date, though.

    pound for pound, she may b my biggest top, to date, though.

    when i saw one growers, "hexapuss", that's exactly what i thought of.
  10. Northbound train

    Northbound train

  11. cbd glue tide

    cbd glue tide

    "i have the power to waterboard and take your life, anytime i desire".
  12. foxtailing fist?

    foxtailing fist?

    they all went thick, after starting as foxtails. dunno where i read it, save that foxtailing is allegedly indicative of a stronger finish; % wise. dunno whether that's true. I've tested nuttin.
  13. northbound train: equilibrium genetics

    northbound train: equilibrium genetics

    stalled 1mo in prop tray. no problems. likes seaside walks, sunsets and humidity.
  14. cbd glue tide mamma : equilibrium genetics

    cbd glue tide mamma : equilibrium genetics

    no complaints, 24:1, beginner strain. easily cloned. they do come with males so u get double, or more, what u think ur payin for. price was negotiable.
  15. northbound train : equilibrium genetics

    northbound train : equilibrium genetics

    had to stall (hopefully) her, in the prop tray, over the mature count n space. no mould, no mildew: whew! the trays aren't set n forget- long term so it's been a juggling act. the godfather og, didn't like humidity, as a seedling and the northbound train and ghost train haze, thrived in it. figures.
  16. cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics

    cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics

    hi, mom! one of these 2, is mom...
  17. cbd glue tide c2's

    cbd glue tide c2's

    equilibrium genetics. great for beginners. returned 22% for rso. e.g. alleges 24:1... i wish i could use her in my deck.
  18. another successful harvest!

    another successful harvest!

    cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics. she's tolerant, lovely, adjusted well to zeroveg and clones, easily, in 10 days, no prob. smoking- takes out migraines, in one rip. oil- first day freaked me out. i just go with it & enjoy the ride. next day- NADA. no pain relief so she's gotta go...
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