cbd glue tide

  1. BakedARea

    BakedARea 2020: CBD Glue Tide & CBD High Tide

    This will be my first time growing from seeds! I opted for some high CBD genetics. I'm hoping to get at least 1 male from each strain. It would be cool to get some pollen and do some controlled pollination to produce more seeds for the future. I know I probably should have planted more seeds to...
  2. BAM!


    premature doesn't work for us, like we hoped. will add some atf and get back to u. currently, allergy, 24:1.
  3. see... told ya: not ready.

    see... told ya: not ready.

    white pistals... but yeah, it's foggy. this strain, didn't work for me @ 24:1 cbd. the c2's... hooked up with atf so- we'll see. its sis is... "more ready".
  4. scissor trigger happy

    scissor trigger happy

    she's been flushing, for... 10 days... jesus, help me... i want to go a full 21!
  5. c1 rt. c2 clone, lt. see the red/blue diff?

    c1 rt. c2 clone, lt. see the red/blue diff?

    red/blue diff. same strain. both burn in 600s watts' range. photo o the month submission?
  6. she's a pig

    she's a pig

    disgusting beast
  7. pound for pound, she may b my biggest top, to date, though.

    pound for pound, she may b my biggest top, to date, though.

    when i saw one growers, "hexapuss", that's exactly what i thought of.
  8. cbd glue tide, c1

    cbd glue tide, c1

    it didn't work for us, beyond topicals so... she'll go a lil early. it's fine. lil over 2wks, left. i did let atf, get on her daughters... just n case... hate to lose ANY GENS, workin, or not. what's works, today... know where I'm goin? may not work, tomorrow. never know. oil is still, new to me.
  9. atf & cbd glue tide.

    atf & cbd glue tide.

    all, preggers; hopefully!
  10. cbd glue tide got with atf, last night.

    cbd glue tide got with atf, last night.

    if u enlarge, u can c the confused leaf combinations, of sugar, and fan. no veg, late clones, have a monstercropping, effect. it's done, so i don't have to fight the height fight, over light burn. atf is the younger ladies...
  11. cbd glue tide

    cbd glue tide

    "i have the power to waterboard and take your life, anytime i desire".
  12. there she goes again. ur corwdin me, honey!

    there she goes again. ur corwdin me, honey!

  13. foxtailing fist?

    foxtailing fist?

    they all went thick, after starting as foxtails. dunno where i read it, save that foxtailing is allegedly indicative of a stronger finish; % wise. dunno whether that's true. I've tested nuttin.
  14. just a beast

    just a beast

    no veg
  15. bye bye

    bye bye

    i stalled this tank, too no room.
  16. cbd glue tide mamma : equilibrium genetics

    cbd glue tide mamma : equilibrium genetics

    no complaints, 24:1, beginner strain. easily cloned. they do come with males so u get double, or more, what u think ur payin for. price was negotiable.
  17. cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics

    cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics

    hi, mom! one of these 2, is mom...
  18. cbd glue tide c2's

    cbd glue tide c2's

    equilibrium genetics. great for beginners. returned 22% for rso. e.g. alleges 24:1... i wish i could use her in my deck.
  19. another successful harvest!

    another successful harvest!

    cbd glue tide : equilibrium genetics. she's tolerant, lovely, adjusted well to zeroveg and clones, easily, in 10 days, no prob. smoking- takes out migraines, in one rip. oil- first day freaked me out. i just go with it & enjoy the ride. next day- NADA. no pain relief so she's gotta go...
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