bestva led

  1. BakedARea

    Godzilla Cookies Auto Sponsored By Herbies Seeds & Bestva LED Pro4000

    I am so stoked right now 420 Mag Fam! Right before the GSC Comparative Grow was about to kick off, I worked with @BESTVA LED and they agreed to let me test out their Pro4000 !!! They agreed to send it to me early for the GSC Comparative Grow and I would showcase it for the next grow journal too...
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    Bestva Pro 1000 getting setup. I think this is close enough...
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - Working on organizing and moving lights around. Light by @GrowTina (Bestva LED)
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    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - Working on organizing and moving lights around. Light by @GrowTina (Bestva LED)
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    Need to get the lights situated better. Putting both of the Bestva (@GrowTina ) lights up front.
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    Bestva Pro 1000 hanger modifications. Factory hangers way too long.
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    Bestva Pro 1000 hanger modifications. Factory hangers way too long.
  8. BakedARea

    420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By BakedARea

    HAPPY 420 DAY Y'ALL!!! I was not expecting nor was I ready to start this journal tonight. I'll be damned if I don't keep my word about starting it when I got the seeds. That was today! With that said, a big ole California hug and huge thanks to @420 and the staff of :420: for having this...
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