auto daiquiri lime

  1. LoSBigBlue

    BigBlue's Organic Daiquiri Lime

    Dutch Passion Auto Daiquiri Lime Mars Hydro 70cm x 70cm x 160cm Tent Mars Hydro TS1000 LED Local 420 Organic Mix Medium 4 Nov - After wasting month and a half on shitty specials, 20% germination rate, (those that started were mutants right from the get go), I was able to get some Dutch Passion...
  2. B

    Will my buds fatten up?

    Hey guys, I’m about week 8 and in flowering stage with my auto Daiquiri Limes. I’m adding biobizz nutes. It’s my first grow so just looking for a bit of advice! One of my girls is in 50/50 soil and coco and seems to be doing a lot better than my other two (100% coco) which are pretty stunted...
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