
  1. BedroomFarmer

    Vortex brewer for AACT!

    Finished my vortex brewer. I think I'll still make some tweaks to it eventually. The spout is pretty low so I'll fix that soon. Aside from that it works great! I ordered a 3gal plastic carboy off Amazon. And a 1" uniseal. This is checking for placement. Drill with home saw 1...
  2. Y

    Crop King freebie question

    Not sure if I'm in the right area for this question but, here it goes. First, I ordered 5 Jack Herer autoflower from, Crop King. I got 7 seeds delivered (2 freebies :)) My question is, will these freebies be a total crap shoot, or, can I expect them to be autoflower? I wouldn't normally...
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