260 watt

  1. Butter Milk

    Butter's Auto Anesthesia: Indoor, Soil, LED 4-65W

    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to get a journal started. I’m growing 2 plants, 1 sprouted a week late, but is catching up quickly in size. I am using LST on the older plant (9/7/18) and I FIM’d the younger plant (9/13/18) @ 15 days. As of Oct. 1st they are 24 and 17 days old. Both growing in one 3...
  2. ItsTommyGunnz

    Indoor Auto White Widow With ItsTommyGunnz

    What's up, some of you will know me as MaryJANE01, but from now on this is my only page and I'll be going by ItsTommyGunnz. Some of you may also know that I previously had been growing another white widow plant that went all wrong from day one. After 6-7 weeks in I found root aphids crawling...
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