
  1. A

    Wtf! Help before it spreads or gets worse!

    Just saw this today. One leaf is completely dried and dead and the tips of another are starting. Her and five others got their first feeding of 1/4 strength nutes with 3 ml calimagic 8 days ago. Yesterday they got ph'd R/O water with 5 ml calimagic 6.21 ppm 400. Anything else is in the journal...
  2. M

    Bubba Kush Auto Small Indoor Grow, First Timer

    First time grower here, so I'm on a journey not everything's right but it's working. Here's my set up: Tent 60 x 60 x 140. Extraction: 4" inline fan drawing through carbon filter. Air movement 2 6" oscilating fans. Lighting. For Veg. 300 watt Blue spec CFL. For Flower: 400w Dual...
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    Monza697 - Purple Kush - 1st DWC - 2016

    Purple Kush What strain is it? Indica / Sativa ( 75% Indica ) Is it in Veg or Flower stage? veg.. 7days in dwc since clone rooted Indoor...secret jardin lodge L120 tent 3x4x5 for veg secret jardin darkstreet DS150 5x5x6.6 for flower Soil or Hydro? Hydro (dwc ) Size of light...
  4. I

    General hydro nutrients

    Ok so I can read bottles, and I can look online and read some more. I'm asking for some good info on use of General hydro 3 step. Amounts recomended during first week, second week, and so on. I ask cuz currently in on week three I've been very weak on the nute I have provided with my plants...
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