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  • hey yall...anybody try using a or many diffrent kinds of soil moister porbes?
    ..sure wld b nice if these wld work.
    but ive had 3 diff. 10-20$ ones..and they all never read well. In fact use of one may cause u to over/under water...
    Not necessarily recommended but if you can’t find good moisture meter get yourself accustomed to the weight differences for a fully watered pot vs a dry one as well as finger test measurements.
    yeah..pretty much the only way...can still be misleading though...ive had pots that where bone dry a finger down..but wet at the when those roots are thick..u cant get yr finger to push though the top...and cant go by weight if u got large/already heavy pots..or when yr plants are weaved though yr net. :eye-roll: ppl tht dont know, think yr dumb for telln' em watering can be the most difficult to master...
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    Not sure what to do..she's stressing... LIME GREEN with dark vein leaves?? the purpling on them?

    almost wk 4 flower.. started around 7/7/24 with FFHF and "living soil" blended in. with organic grow and living soil i have only been watering with plain rain and creek'd from 6.2-6.5 hadn't/didn't add any other additives in soil or water

    I do know i was over watering for a lil while...and light was to close during the first stretch of flower.
    i have backed off on watering..and raised my light. Hoping its all water n light related.
    IDK if i shld add any Nutes with this being LIVING SOIL organic grow..
    shes a short life'r. strain is clocked at about 63 days for flower...its day 27.

    reading that if its from water/light stress..etc., adding nutes (to living soil) wld obviously be bad n make things worse Cap, Light Lime green leaves, some purpling on the leaves and purple stems of the leaves?..
    thoughts? do i wait n see? (since it might all be from water/light stress)..or act now with some additives?

    my watering and lighting practices where fine for months, n she was happy n healthy. so im not entirely certain its JUST from light/water stress...but the pot was "wet" for a week maybe when i did over water w/o realizing, and also i was late on moving the light when she started stretching...

    man you can drive yrself mad wondering what u did or didn't do..or what needs to be done..😖
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    Justin Goody
    Justin Goody
    Are you sure it’s not all genetic? Some plants just turn purple and some of them get light green then turn purple. Look pretty robust and healthy, don’t talk yourself into a solution to a problem you might not have.
    There haven’t been any very recent updates here but just to add my opinion; most common causes of purpling are both genetics and environment. In colder climates the low temps cause the chlorophyll and sugars to get trapped in leaves and stomata etc which turns purple. In this case it’s more likely a deficiency in P and or K only being in week 4 of flower. Genetic or temp related changes typically don’t materialize until at least close to week 6 in flower in my experience. Obviously all strains are different and I haven’t grown anywhere close to all of them so my experience is limited to that view. At least it’s a starting point for others to reference and compare to.
    Thanks Yh all for some help/insight. I think the PH has drifted to the alkaline side. I have ph’d all my water…but about 1-2 was ago..I started using creek water, as I had bn using rain since start. And the creek water took allot of PH DOWN to get to 6.5.. and wld jump back over 7 after sitting for a night. So whatever good nutes or not tht are in the creek water, it might of raised my soil ph.
    ..why I thinkn tht?…finally got some rain here..n PH’d some to 6.4…I started watering..n since was abit ran out the side of cloth pot in less than 5sec. .I decided to test it..even though it only ran though the top half of pot, and very quickly…I was surprised to see it jumped to 6.8 ph. I know not to rely much on runoff in soil…but tht got me thinkn maybe tht creek water being difficult to ph down..n it raising back up after awhile..might have raised the soil ph.
    Idk…luckily we got some good rain (remnants of Hurricane Helen..(sorry to all tht got their lives F’d from it). But here in Ohio it was very welcomed bc of severe drought.
    So now I have water I can easily ph and it stay there….will see if going back to water she was used to helps…as it does line up time wise when I started watering with creek water tht she started yellowing..but my flip to flower was about same hard to judge. N maybe as others have said..she looks happy..the lime green might be normal for her..(I can’t find any info from ppl on this strain….as it’s low thc n most ppl don’t grow those.
    (Sunday) did my flip to 12/12…..Here we go🤞🤞
    She a monster, I think I enjoyed grooming (LST) TO much…has bn fun shaping/manipulating it so much, that I let ‘er get a lil to thick :yummy:
    (I bn trimming her almost everyday for weeks) Ol’ well, taming a wildly bush is more time for tht inner :peace: and :Namaste: u get from daily plant/garden interaction
    This is HARLEY QUINN 2.0
    (Organic grow)
    (my fav fictionary lady too♤♡◇)..
    so tht with a low thc to high cbd, im sure I'll love her as much😁
    my biggest gripe about industry weed, medical or legal, big commercial grows dont grow low THC weed, cuz it dont sell as well, so they dont.
    ..But as ppl like me wit PTSD n such, i dont do well with high thc..when i was younger yeah but now i want a low lil gotta grow my own...
    this strain is 7%thc/15%cbd.....shld b great for throughout the day without gettn to baked out.

    Hey bakwardz, beautiful lady you have there!! Harley Quinn is my favourite character too :Namaste:
    Doesn't have to be strong to be medical weed friend. It helps you I would say it's just as medical as anything else. Everyone is different so the best weed for you might not be for everyone else. I prefer 30% with good terpenes I broke both my knees when I was 16 doing parkour and tore my acl and mcl when I got the mri taken the doctors took me in another room and told me I shouldn't be able to walk and to keep doing what I'm doing. I walk a mile every day and smoke alot of weed haha 😄
    I hear Yh…) n awesome for u to say “yes I can..nabis”😅. i like some strong stuff once n awhile, like late at night..but I can’t get really high early in the day, or all through the day like I was a young man ..hate tht “baked out” feeling, (I call a “high hangover”..from when I just smoked to much all day/night long..I don’t bounce back as quick.. like drinkin, takes longer (when Yh get older) to feel fine after a some low THC to puff all day is nice..better than tryn not to smoke all day n waiting till later.
    happy to NOT be having a bug problem...hoping my plant recovers from the completey unnecessary stress i put her though. Lesson learned, quick searching the internet (even for hours) will most likely give u the Wrong answers!🙄
    after allot of research, and disinformation (seems thts all the internet is anymore)..and almost ruining my plant (if i havnt down the road)..i now know tht these are normal biology secretions of a healthy plant. thanks to all who responded, but as most ppl do, we think the worst first.
    Lost My best friend, my boy on Wednesday. He fought to stay, but i had to make him go. He was one of the best behaved and loving dogs you wld ever meet. With a great personality. bn by my side day n night for 13yrs.
    As a already lonely man wit no family or significant other, living alone for past 20yrs, my dog Marley was my life. (wld b nice if i cld insert a pic on my Status..see profile background pic)(if u can know how)

    Blazing myself stupid right now, tryin to just get some time to pass.
    welp, im officially done wit this grow. its all bagged up. alittle upset as i over dried it. (sitting at 48-52%RH in bag for 14hrs)
    tht sucks, but doesn't really affect the potancy from what ive read..a lesson learned for next time. still good bud, just lil dry n cldve bn a smoother tastier treat.😕
    wasnt my intention to wait till 4/20 to finish dry, (as i see i shdlve stopped drying a day or more ago) just coincidence.
    if u bundle together a handful of leaves and or stems and throw them into the bag that usually works to bring it up a bit after a few days. and usually you can expect your buds to bounce back a little on their own too. you could also try burping the bag in the bathroom after you shower or something to hopefully take on some moisture from the air. hope you get it sorted.
    Tired of chasing a stable humidity 😖 literally, as loosing sleep due to tent alarm tiggers constantly
    Just a little more concerned about humidity spikes now while drying…
    Yea don't chase optimal....if you can achieve it awesome...if not don't fret... You'll go nuts 😂.

    But if your drying in a small room or tent here's a couple things that will lower humidity levels without having to buy a bunch of stuff.

    •Bowls of baking soda
    •Air conditioners pull humidity out of the air.
    •And running fans exhausting the space.

    And I get the struggle with humidity I live in New york... So we have the chance to get every season in the same stable isn't a word used here 😂 get it close and try to maintain is all I can do.
    I had issues to till I brought a good compressor dehumidifier 700w one it sits in my lung room set to 35rh and in turn drops tents to 45rh in flower it's achievable with the right dehumidifier it cost me $500 Australian. It's worth every penny.
    Just standard first time grower mistakes, rookie moves and lack of knowledge…ppl have bn nice pointing out I’m doing better than most first timers, as I do know plants, bn a gardener and landscaper most my life. But dang, Cannabis plants are a whole new ball game…VERY temperamental and (as advice floods in) needs LOTS of feeding. technically my second grow, but trying to go hard on this one…no secret tiny closet plant as a teenager. lol
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    You got this. It's not hard. You just have to fine tune a few things! Consider it like, working towards a future of fields of dank nugglets grown by yourself. Like Napa valley, but weed.

    lol. Yh I’m a perfectionist, when I do something, I want it as Good as can get
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