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  • Dang waking up at midnight 😕 gotta watch the babushkas now that they are packing on bud don't want any animals getting to my beautiful ladies.
    If anyone knows any breeders let me know I'd love to get in touch with them I don't want to be a pollen chucker but have a dream of making my own strain one day.
    LinkedIn is full of them, I hope that you get what you're looking for. I watch lots of useful stuff there, happy searching
    Got my clones on May 1st, started transplanting on May 14th plants got 2 gallons of water everyday and super thrive for root development. June 16th upped water to 4 gallons my OG kushs identified as males so I pulled them and got more clones of Humboldt Dream planted same day. Plants started getting fish emulsion and unsulphered black molasses once a week until July 6th that's when I started cal mag feedings once a week 1 teaspoon per 2 gallons like normal. Plants are getting 6 gallons of water at this point but only 2 of the 6 gallons are nutrient mix. When it's flowering time I will update the feeding list.
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    Reactions: KBUENOS
    Plant training was done while it was still in the red solo cup I topped at the 4th node and let recover for 2 weeks before transplanting on the 14th. Topped again on the 1st of June and stopped training for the month when I was getting sus of my og kushs. Training resumed when I got the new humboldt dream clones and all males were removed on the 16th plants got low stress training every day from then and hasn't been topped sense. Will update when I have more progress.
    Plants are now getting Fox Farms ash water with bat guano and worm castings also still giving them molasses 😉
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