SmokingWings's latest activity

  • SmokingWings
    Interesting and a good point to think about. Since the several rains the last couple of weeks I have noticed my outdoor plant went from...
  • SmokingWings
    It has always been my assumption that the stigma do not stand up well to moisture. Any time they get significantly wet it seems like...
  • SmokingWings
    I don’t burp. I go from fridge to Grove Bag and commence the cure.
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to darkdragon2451's post in the thread Buds growing with Like Like.
    On the 2 branches where i pollinated them there are a few Stigma/pistils. I will make Pics tomorrow Up Close with a lense so you Guys...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Sueet's post in the thread Buds growing with Like Like.
    When I said your photos weren't clear enough for me to see flowering, stigma is what I was referring to. They look as if they have only...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Deficiency.
    Yes, the weight of the plant is increasing by teeny tiny amounts as the buds develop but highly unlikely that the average grower would...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Leaf problem.
    I figure that people were waiting for info based on the questions @bluter asked in msg #5. For the most part the fertilizers for...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to TassieTurtleman's post in the thread Opinion with Like Like.
    Hey mate, yeah I think she'll recover, doesn't look too bad in the pic. Just keep a close eye on it over the next few days
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Opinion.
    It needs more water than what you gave it in the morning. If it had gotten enough water in the morning the leaves should have recovered...
  • SmokingWings
    I have the fan attached to the filter exhaust back into the tent. That helps keep the heat in the basement room. If the tent gets too...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Deficiency.
    Yes. Some people want to see a lot come out but it is not necessary in a dirt or compost based soil. Learn to be able to judge the...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Buds growing.
    If you are wondering if the buds on those two branches will grow larger with new stigma/pistils I would think so. Also there should be...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Deficiency.
    Too much water all at once and it can flow to the bottom quickly and run out the drain holes. A little bit at a time and the water can...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to darkdragon2451's post in the thread Deficiency with Like Like.
    Yeah thats true too! I stopped using the ppm Meter cause it gave me way different results then what was Standing in the table of the...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Carmen Ray's post in the thread Deficiency with Like Like.
    Again, your view / opinion. Many would disagree. Nobody has said anything against Emilya's most sage tutorial here. Anyway, I'm out of...
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