SmokingWings's latest activity

  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Questions on CO2 enrichment.
    I was figuring that it was a joke. We all know that it is better to purchase one of these that costs a lot of bucks.:thumb: We want the...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Powdery mildew?.
    A sign that other types of plants in the area have active colonies of Mildew on their leaves and the spores are blowing in the wind. Not...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Powdery mildew?.
    If it rains it will wash the acidic layer off the leaf so it will have to be re-sprayed after each rain. The sulfur that Smokey0418...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Powdery mildew?.
    I did a google search asking: powdered sulfur for plants still available in canada and the results show it can be ordered through the...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread 8 Strains in a 4x4.
    @Harry Timbercrank, yes, this from Grand Dady Black. There are experienced growers who have said that the little bit of tip burn is a...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Bill284's post in the thread 8 Strains in a 4x4 with Like Like.
    I don’t see any tip burn. Some minor yellowing on the lowers. Not a problem at all. Roots Excelerator Gold is a fantastic product. I...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Grand Daddy Black's post in the thread 8 Strains in a 4x4 with Like Like.
    What Mel said! ⬆️ If you're referring to that oh-so-minor tip burn, that's a non-issue, IMO. When I'm pushing my plants it always turns...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Melville Hobbes's post in the thread 8 Strains in a 4x4 with Like Like.
    About what? Your plants look fantastic.
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Shippers.
    Difference between shipping and delivering. Shipping involves a common carrier or business which handles the transportation. Delivery is...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Roy Growin's post in the thread Shippers with Like Like.
    hi mate - low price = low quality, you can't have a Champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget Duude Pop some beans if you want some good bud
  • SmokingWings
    Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome: Do you grow? Are you promoting a game? Stay safe Bill284 😎
  • SmokingWings
    I have the feeling that the person is actually a 'young' AI bot or spider crawling the web looking for info to add to its knowledge...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Powdery mildew?.
    Wanted to mention that it might work out best to spray every couple of days, especially with outdoor plants, to try to keep ahead of mildew.
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Fox tailing continues.
    Not a problem at all. The roots will decompose within a couple of weeks and return all the nutrients they contain so that the new plant...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Tokin Roll's post in the thread Fox tailing continues with Like Like.
    Your plant look happy and healthy, I would not worry to much about fox tailing. Just keep an eye on the trichomes; I see the pistil have...
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