SmokingWings's latest activity

  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to dabneyj's post in the thread A couple more weeks? with Like Like.
    Thank you.
  • SmokingWings
    Are there holes in the bottom or right where the side meets the bottom? If there are not then the water can pool up even with the layer...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Aweedtec's post in the thread Lemon Haze auto issue of watering with Like Like.
    I put perlite at the bottom..about an inch because I didn't want water building up on the roots..I did that to all the plants. Except...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Sativa1970's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    True, there are too many possible variables to say how long any harvest can last. Any chance the temp shifted in storage wings?
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Mature buds.
    Thank you. I am sure that the remaining clones will appreciate your consideration for their ancestor.
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Sativa1970's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    @SmokingWings Sorry for your loss. Sometimes when loved ones get old all it takes is one little bacteria to send them off to Valhalla. I...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to bluter's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    properly stored weed will cure in for up to 2 yrs. after that it will remain stable for about another 2 with some minor degradation...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Bill284's post in the thread Ph up/down with Like Like.
    Nutrients are designed to be used according to the schedule that comes with it. :Namaste: You can use nutrients at 50% strength but your...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Bill284's post in the thread Ph up/down with Like Like.
    Stick with the nutrients you are using. That nutrient is 3-6-5, designed to be used with calmag as a weak solution for autos. The...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Manny1985's post in the thread Ph up/down with Like Like.
    Ya the high nitrogen in the mix im using as called for on that card I shared of doses. U suggest I follow that card for the max grow...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Manny1985's post in the thread Ph up/down with Like Like.
    Thanks for the info appreciated so I was wrong then ? 😞
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Manny1985's post in the thread Ph up/down with Like Like.
    I got plants from autoflower grower he said they were autoflower 🤔 first time so I’m asking questions and taking info thanks
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Ph up/down.
    Ah, OK. I had not seen any mention that they were auto-flower plants so figured that they were photo-period. And what @Bill284...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Ph up/down.
    You have pre-flowers. Unless the length of the dark period changes the plant will grow one stigma/pistil in most of the new and some...
  • SmokingWings
    Drill bigger holes but fewer of them. Look at pots designed for commercial growers of any kind and not just Cannabis. These pots can...
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