SmokingWings's latest activity

  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Thick and cupped leaves.
    I have no idea on that but if you are talking something like a SIP method maybe one of the SIP growing threads already has one or more...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to mjallday's post in the thread Thick and cupped leaves with Like Like.
    I’ve check the ph and it’s hovering around 6.5 in the bucket under the plants. I’ve also got the three pack of fox farms. In a wicking...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread So confused!.
    Me too but I figured it was because the center of the bud is really out of focus and not my old age. I do see several stigma/pistils so...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Mature buds.
    I have some left from the first plant back in 2017. Other than that there is at least one jar for every year since. One jar did go bad...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Sativa1970's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    If it was going to mold it would have already. Your nose would have let you know if it was bad. Sealed glass in a dark place it will...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to JiggiLotus's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    If it's bad it will smell bad, your nose will know. I'm pretty sure if it's been cured it's not gonna go bad. It'll probably outlast...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings reacted to Roy Growin's post in the thread Mature buds with Like Like.
    Slightly sticky is ok with me - I have a couple of jars at the back of the cupboard from about 18 months ago which is still slightly...
  • SmokingWings
    SmokingWings replied to the thread Root Lock Out.
    They all have the same nutrients. You are confusing the source of the nutrient. Nitrogen is Nitrogen and Phosphorous is Phosphorous as...
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