Recent content by Royal Queen Seeds

  1. Royal Queen Seeds

    Royal Queen Seeds Showcase

    Happy to read about your success mate 🙌🌱 Keep us posted 🙏
  2. Royal Queen Seeds

    Royal Queen Seeds - Support and Discussion Thread

    Hey there mate! Can you share your ticket ID with via private message? Let's check what's going on 🙏
  3. Royal Queen Seeds

    Kanno And ViparSpectra KS5000 We Will Try To Make 1kg With 4 Royal AK Girls

    Loooking good mate! You sure know your game😉
  4. Royal Queen Seeds

    Royal Queen Seeds Showcase

    Can't wait to see how they turn out! Definitely going to stay here to tag along!! 🤩 Best of luck, buddy! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything 🌱
  5. Royal Queen Seeds

    Rehabilitatora420 First Grow Journal

    Let's goo 🙌🤩 Good luck with your growing 🌱 Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything!
  6. Royal Queen Seeds

    Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

    Nice choice of strain ;) Best of luck buddy 🌱🙌
  7. Royal Queen Seeds

    ViparSpecrtra New Light New Strains 30% Plus THC? ViperRoom 2.0

    Here to make things easy mate 🫡
  8. Royal Queen Seeds

    Guyz vs Galz Grow Off

    Nice choice mate! 🙌 ;)
  9. Royal Queen Seeds

    I could use some insight

    Hey Marz! Thank you for sharing pictures of your White Widows; they are looking good! Regarding the differences between the two plants, we are not entirely certain about the cause. Typically, the phenotype observed in White Widow is more similar to the plant in the blue pot. There may be any...
  10. Royal Queen Seeds

    Time To Show Off Your Skills!

    Wow!! That's what we called a stem 😍😍
  11. Royal Queen Seeds

    Time To Show Off Your Skills!

    What’s your proudest moment as a grower? No one ever said that growing your own cannabis plant was an easy first ride; there’s lots of learning, some overwatering and many great achievements. But after it all, we’ve all come out better from all these experiences. Today we want to highlight...
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