Recent content by Porky82

  1. Porky82

    Pictures of flowers!

  2. Porky82

    Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

    Few more from the same strain.
  3. 20200804_165941.jpg


  4. 20200819_204025.jpg


  5. Porky82

    Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

    Mate I don't bother with those popularly contests.
  6. Porky82

    Black Sugar Comparative Oct 2023

    Fuck oath!! 👍
  7. Porky82

    Trusted A Fart: Got This Shitshow

    Fucking looking mint mate!! 👍👍
  8. Porky82

    Yellowing Leaves Help

    Medium looks very wet for such a small plant in a big pot! Personally I think it looks like burn from to hot a medium as the leaves are very dark and the new growth has burnt tips too.
  9. Porky82

    Do these calyxes appear normal?

    Looks like it's growing in soil. If it is you can't really flush soil like coco perlite or a RDWC system. Just giving it water for a week should see it looking better. If it's in soil just be careful not to over water it.
  10. Porky82

    Do these calyxes appear normal?

    I thought the exact same as soon as I looked.
  11. Porky82

    Absorber's Outdoor Stealth Grow

    Absolutely awesome mate!! 👍 Loving this grow!
  12. Porky82

    420's Canuk Seeds Comparative Grow By Absorber

    Awesome mate!! 👍
  13. Porky82

    Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

    I watched that with me kids last night! Classic Xmas movie! 🤣
  14. Porky82

    Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

    My wife would say the same about me! 🤣
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