I'll never find the post where you told me how you get rid of mite, so I'll ask here. I have used Safer 3-n-1, soaking the plant to no effect. I have used neem oil, diluted exactly the way the concentrated liquid says to, but after a couple hours after it dries, I still find juveniles here and there. granted it kills most of the adults on contact, but I don't see any effect after it dries. So I have been soaking them down (spray) daily for several days now, and STILL catch a mite here and there. Am also spraying the soil and stems until the plants are dripping wet!
I have also trimmed out all the large spotted and infested leaves, and just wiping a wet finger along the undersides of each remaining leaf with neem oil. and last night used a q-tip to clean among the colas.
Should I alternate with soap and cooking oil, since I seem to have to do this daily?