
Sep 5, 1954 (Age: 70)
Real Name
everyone will find out when the Lord gives us a new name
Favorite Strain
dont know yet
Favorite Quote
a government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything you have
Biggest Achievement
married 34 years and raised 2 fine young men
Do you use Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes?
not yet
staying alive


Were scapegoated because the government has always wanted to control free thinkers and theyll use violence and suppression of any kind. Citizens insisting on their freedom are a terrible inconvenience to government.
Marc Emery

"Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Infowars- there is a battle for you mind!

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored!

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum- "If You Seek Peace, Prepare For War."


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