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  • Hey Buddy :ciao:
    How are you doing?
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    Reactions: StarkRaven
    Hey :ciao:
    I'm doing well. :thumb:
    How's it going?
    I appreciate you stopping by to say hello. I've gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration from your journals and post. Starting my first grow after decades off. Just catching up on the science and trends. From you I have taken a lot of knowledge specifically on the myco. You had a conversation with a lady who knew a lot on the subject and long story short I'm throwing some local wild onions in my pots. Budget constrained so I'm having a hard time choosing a tent for now or completing the grow room. Choosing lights, etc etc. I did decide to go as organic as possible. I have a huge compost pile I was about to make use of but found FFOF at an amazing price and couldn't pass it up for this first run. Grabbing some Dynomyco to spice it up and worm casings to add to the compost pile to get it activate and ready for future runs. Any advice or guidance is always appreciated.
    It all sounds great.
    My advice would be don’t cheap out on your light.
    And get it a bit bigger then you think you might need.
    Many people end up buying something bigger for their second grow.
    Always something reputable with a proven warranty.
    If you start a journal we can help you decide what equipment best suits your situation.
    Then help you grow aswell.
    When your ready.
    As you know I’m a coco fan.
    There’s a lot of great soil guys who can help.
    I’m happy you found my stuff interesting. :thanks:
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