Chief High Bear
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  • Just wondering if i should buy a cheap water pump for quicker chlorine removal, or leave the water out for 24 hrs?
    Odds are today that's its Chloramine and not Chlorine.
    Chloramine doesn't evaporate out, you cant even boil it out.
    Best way is just add a tiny bit of Citric Acid.
    I do a slow filtration through a catalytic carbon filter which takes most of it out plus some heavy metals, then I add just a tiny amount of citric acid.
    Chief High Bear
    Chief High Bear
    Im gonna phone the water treatment plant and ask if they use chloramine, if they dont. Im gonna leave it out for 24hrs and then add in my nutrients, then ph test it ?
    Sounds like your best bet.
    Although if its Chlorine you can still just add like 1/4 tsp of vitamin C to 5 gallons of water and eliminate the Chlorine completely.
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